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Colonialism can be understood as a form of political and economic domination in which one country or group of people exercises control over another country or group of people. The psychological analysis of colonialism involves examining the impact of colonialism on the psychological well-being of both the colonized and the colonizers.

For the colonized, colonialism can result in a loss of identity and culture, as well as a sense of inferiority and powerlessness. Colonized individuals may experience feelings of shame, humiliation, and resentment toward their oppressors. Additionally, the trauma of colonialism can be passed down through generations, resulting in intergenerational trauma and continued feelings of alienation and marginalization.

On the other hand, for the colonizers, colonialism can lead to a sense of entitlement and superiority. The exercise of power and control over others can reinforce feelings of dominance and privilege, which may manifest in attitudes of racism, sexism, and other forms of discrimination. The dehumanization of the colonized can also contribute to a lack of empathy and concern for their well-being. Moreover, the psychological impact of colonialism is not limited to individuals, but can also be seen in the broader societal structures and systems that result from colonialism. These structures may perpetuate inequality and injustice, leading to ongoing trauma and social unrest.

After reading the history of modern India, especially colonial rule, I was surprised how these few British merchants owning a company could capture a big nation called Bharat having so many powerful territorial rulers. Isn’t it surprising? India was colonized by the British Empire for over 200 years, from the 18th century until its independence in 1947. The psychological analysis of colonialism in India reveals the significant impact of colonialism on the psyche of both the colonized and the colonizers.

For the colonized in India, the psychological impact of colonialism was multifaceted. Colonialism resulted in the destruction of traditional Indian culture and the imposition of British culture, language, and values. This created a sense of inferiority and loss of identity among Indians. Furthermore, the exploitation of Indian resources and labor by the British led to economic deprivation and poverty, which also had a significant impact on the mental health of Indians.

Moreover, the colonial policies of divide and rule and communalism, which emphasized religious and caste differences, created societal divisions and contributed to the marginalization of certain communities. This, in turn, led to intergenerational trauma and ongoing social unrest.

For the colonizers, the psychological impact of colonialism in India was marked by a sense of superiority and entitlement. British colonizers often viewed Indians as primitive and backward, reinforcing their sense of superiority. This attitude contributed to the perpetuation of racist and discriminatory policies and attitudes towards Indians, which continued even after India gained independence.

Furthermore, the establishment of colonial institutions, such as the police and legal system, contributed to the reinforcement of British power and control over Indian society. This, in turn, reinforced the attitudes and behaviors of the British colonizers, which were based on dominance and control.

Not even the Britishers but even Portuguese, Dutch, and some other European companies also came to India before and had already established business and connections here. The East India company destroyed them all and eventually became the ruler.

 What exactly went wrong?

 If we think from the psychological perspective of Indian kings then the only thing that crippled them was their ego. Britishers praised them with fake compliments and rulers reduced their taxes and let them trade in their territory.

5 things we should learn from East India Company and even from British Crown rule:

1:- Take care of your finances. No matter what the situation, don’t let anyone cripple you financially. Keep it strong if you lose some money, then make it your priority to get financially stable first then think of anything else.

 2:- Keep your egos in your pocket. When in trouble it’s not wrong to take a step back, say sorry and do trade in favor of you.

 3:- Focus on winning the war, not the small battles. The British never fought those battles where they had even the slightest thought that they could lose it.

 Yes, they have lost a few battles but that’s because of a few intelligent and courageous kings of India the British’s strategy was never wrong.

4:- They divided their opponents. We were idiots because religious bias made us divide our country, and our hearts and even such glimpses are still visible.

 5:- Mental manipulation by saying all the things they do are correct be it lifestyle, or religious philosophy (in which we are for sure way ahead of anyone else in the world).

Now we live in a world where politics, media, and advertisements are trying to manipulate us and it’s not very much different from the colonial era. So being logical and rational is very much crucial in the present time. Try to be mentally stable and make it your responsibility to clean up your brain of any biases.

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